Life after the game

Unfortunately, many athletes are living with the after effects of years of diagnosed and undiagnosed head injuries.  Players are now able to be assessed and better understand their brain health and functioning.


Our Process

1. Assess

We collect information through a thorough interview, athletic history and objective tests to understand forgetfulness, word finding problems and other brain related difficulties.  We also evaluate mood changes, irritability and other emotional functioning.

2. Put the puzzle together

We then analyze and synthesize the data obtained to examine the player’s current functioning and determine what changes have occurred.

3. Diagnose

Once we have synthesized the data, we are able to determine whether our client meets the clinical criteria of a disorder.

4. Provide Recommendations

We will then provide suggestions based upon the data as to what should be most helpful to the client in areas of physical and mental health.   This also establishes a baseline of current memory functioning for possible future evaluations.

Athlete Assessments

What to Expect

Learn about the neuropsychological assessment process.

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